Is your bathroom and shower area in need of a makeover? Are tired old tiles and dirty grout joints bringing down the ambience of the space? The bathroom and shower areas are generally more prone to unsightly staining, needing more regular cleaning when compared to other areas of the house. The shower cubicle is considered a high-traffic area, it will need more regular maintenance than the rest of the bathroom. With the right approach and products, restoring old bathroom tiles can breathe new life into your bathroom. In this article, we are going to discuss five expert tips from Spirit Sealers experts to help you restore your bathroom tiles.
- Assess the condition of your tiles
Before diving into any restoration project, it’s crucial to assess the current condition of your bathroom tiles. Are they loose, cracked, chipped, or just grimy from years of use and in need of a good clean? Understanding the extent of the damage will help you determine the best course of action. If your tiles are extensively damaged, you may need to consider repairs or even replacement. For minor wear and tear, cleaning will do the job.
- How to clean your tiles
For common stains such as mould and mildew buildup, consider using a specialised organic stain remover such as Spirit Bright As Follow the instructions on the label or in the Technical Data Sheet carefully. Scrub the face of the tiles gently with a soft white scouring pad using a Doodle Bug Use a bristled brush to get into the grout joints. Spirit Bright As is safe to use on all natural stone and man-made tiles. Rinse thoroughly with clean water and then do a final rinse with Spirit Neutral Cleaner Allow the tiles to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.
*Recommended products: Spirit Neutral Cleaner , Spirit Bright As , Spirit Doodle Bug
- Seal the tiles and or grout joints for protection
After cleaning your bathroom tiles, it is essential to protect them from future damage. When sealing natural stone you can apply the sealer to the face of the stone and to the grout joints at the same time using a Spirit Microfibre Applicator Choose a high-performance sealer such as Spirit Premium Seal When dealing with man-made tiles such as porcelain or ceramic tiles they don’t usually need sealing, but the newly cleaned grout joints can be sealed with Spirit Premium Grout Sealer Allow the sealer to cure for at least 24hours before using the shower.
*Recommended Products: Spirit Premium Seal , Spirit Microfibre Applicator, Spirit Premium Grout Sealer
Maintain the bathroom with Spirit Neutral Cleaner a pH neutral detergent designed for regular maintenance of stone and tiles.
Restoring old bathroom tiles doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right approach and products, you can transform your tired tiles into a stunning focal point of your bathroom. With these expert tips from Spirit Sealers, you’ll have a beautifully restored bathroom in no time!
Refer to the links for Data Sheets, or for further information contact Spirit Sealers on 02) 9734 6937 or email us at